シャッフルカジノ ベガウォレット Philosophy Environmental
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  • Pollution Prevention Initiatives

Pollution Prevention Initiatives

Pollution Prevention Response

  • The ULVAC Group uses chemical substances in our development and manufacturing processes. We strive to prevent environmental pollution through the proper management of these substances.

    Some of our locations have business facilities that may impact the environment, and we comply with the environmental standards established by the laws and regulations of シャッフルカジノ ベガウォレットountries and regions in which they are located.

    One specific pollution prevention initiative is シャッフルカジノ ベガウォレットategorization of our facilities into three classes, A, B, and C, according to level of risk such as facilities that cannot be properly managed and operated, or if the environment is affected by wastewater, exhaust gas, or waste. We have designated Class A locations as those with a particularly high risk from a comprehensive perspective, taking into consideration factors including the business facilities and whether or not hazardous chemical substances are used. We assign a dedicated person to each Class A site and, as a rule, ensure that emergency drills are conducted at least once a year. シャッフルカジノ ベガウォレットlasses are reviewed every year. The ULVAC Group has established its own standards for water quality-related facilities and regularly conducts on-site audits at its overseas sites to prevent environmental accidents.

    In addition, when planning for シャッフルカジノ ベガウォレットonstruction, expansion, or discontinuation of wastewater treatment facilities, scrubber facilities, or other facilities related to the environment, an Environmental Information Committee meeting is held each time to review compliance with laws and regulations and environmental safety items by the administrator that oversees the group's environmental activities and dedicated personnel at each company.

  • On-site audit

    On-site audit

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